
Occasional thoughts, tips and tricks on moving your business, office or home.

Easy Essential Packing Tips – 8

08/09/2021 12:00
Stephen Lockwood

Stack heavier boxes first. It is amazing how many people put heavier boxes on top of lighter boxes even though they really know they shouldn’t and end up crushing delicate items. So, to avoid re-stacking make sure you pit lighter boxes on top!

Dispose of hazardous materials. Removal companies are unable to carry oil, fuel, open paint or explosives so plan to get rid of them before move day to avoid any stress. Include them in your action plan.

Essentials. Whether you are moving house or office pack a bag of essentials. Depending on the circumstances pack phone chargers or portable chargers, snacks, medication and warm clothing. These items, if forgotten, can cause a deal of stress.


More Essential Tips to come in the future.

In the meantime you can download our 'Office Relocation Advice and Checklist' or our House Move items from our resources page here.

Easy Essential Packing Tips – 7

01/09/2021 12:00
Stephen Lockwood

Secure items in the boxes before your move, you don’t want things broken or for them to rattle about. Use packing paper, newspaper (if you read them these days!), magazines with pages torn out and screwed up or even old rags and old clothes.

Label the boxes. Indicate the contents of the boxes where it is clearly visible. Also using coloured stickers or markers for different rooms will also help. The boxes can then be stacked by colour. Your children will love to help with marking up the boxes!

Boxes with breakables. Mark the top of boxes which have breakable items in the top of the box with DNS or Do Not Stack. Make sure this marking is clearly visible.


Next week: More Essential Packing Tips

In the meantime you can download our 'Office Relocation Advice and Checklist' or our House Move items from our resources page here.

Easy Essential Packing Tips – 6

25/08/2021 12:00
Stephen Lockwood

More Essential Packing Tips

Get rid of stuff you don’t need – declutter!

Give away your old unwanted items, maybe to charity shops.

Alternatively, there is eBay to sell them on.

Maybe hold a boot sale or garage sale now that covid is reducing.

Ask your friends if they need anything you are thinking of selling – they may be willing to help with your move!

Pack heavy items in smaller boxes and lighter items in larger boxes. Don’t exceed about 14 to 16 kilos per box. This tip may save you some painful experiences in the future!


Next week: More Essential Packing Tips

In the meantime you can download our 'Office Relocation Advice and Checklist' or our House Move items from our resources page here.

Easy Essential Packing Tips – 5

18/08/2021 12:00
Stephen Lockwood

Pack one room at a time. Too many people try to pack too many rooms at the same time which can lead to disorganisation.

Label the boxes with their contents and where they are to go. This will help the unloaders or home or office movers to know where to put the boxes in the new building.

Start with the rooms you least need and pack what you rarely use first. This can include seasonal items that you may not use for a while. They can include Christmas decorations, coats, garden tools etc.

Stack the boxes out of the way once full. Trying to manoeuvre round boxes can be hazardous!


Next week: More Essential Packing Tips

In the meantime you can download our 'Office Relocation Advice and Checklist' or our House Move items from our resources page here.

Easy Essential Packing Tips – 4

12/08/2021 12:00
Stephen Lockwood

Start Packing Early

For house moves it can be difficult to estimate the length of time required to pack, if you’re inexperienced.  

For small homes, packing two boxes a day should take about a month. For a large house this would take more like two months.

As an estimate 10 boxes per room should be sufficient but we suggest you have an extra ten boxes, particularly if you have a large number of heavy objects such as books.

Packing an Office

For office removals you are nearly always better off getting your removal company to handle this. They will have the necessary equipment to handle all possible scenarios and content and, because of their experience, will usually be much quicker!


Next week: More Essential Packing Tips

In the meantime you can download our 'Office Relocation Advice and Checklist' or our House Move items from our resources page here.

Easy Essential Packing Tips – 3

04/08/2021 12:00
Stephen Lockwood

Think Ahead

Unless you are a backpacker you will not be able to unpack everything on the first day of your move so you need to think about what you may need straight away. This mostly applies to house moves but think about what you may need in an office move.

Essentials. Pack a box for the first couple of nights. Such items and supplies as a kettle, tea, coffee and snacks.

Overnight Bag. You’ll need one for everybody in the family. Don’t forget the children’s favourite toy!

Toiletries. Make sure there is enough toilet paper and toiletries for everybody.

Pets. Don’t forget to take bowls for food and water and also some pet food.

Useful items. You may find that having a torch, with spare batteries, first-aid kit with painkillers and plasters, pencil and paper, some bin bags and a small tool kit will come in useful.

Clothing. Finish any laundry and make sure it is dry so you don’t have to carry damp clothes. Also keep a separate bag for dirty washing.


Next week: More Essential Packing Tips

In the meantime you can download our 'Office Relocation Advice and Checklist' or our House Move items from our resources page here.

Easy Essential Packing Tips – 2

29/07/2021 12:00
Stephen Lockwood

More Essential Packing Tips

You should consider how you are going to pack your items such as books which are very heavy. Any valuables will need careful wrapping and could take some time. Some furniture may need dismantling.

Packing always takes longer than you think so start early. Time gets eaten up when you start looking at old photos or find that you need to dismantle a wardrobe or cupboard.

  • Begin at the top of the house or office and move downwards.
  • Pack heavy items, such as books, in small boxes as transportation will be easier.
  • Label boxes with detail of contents and where it is to go in the new location.
  • Keep all boxes for each room together.
  • Pack heavy items at the bottom of the box and lighter ones on top to avoid breakages.
  • Use bubble wrap as lining for boxes and wrapping breakables.
  • Pack important documents together and keep them in a safe place. These may include birth and marriage certificates etc.


Next week: More Essential Packing Tips

In the meantime you can download our 'Office Relocation Advice and Checklist' or our House Move items from our resources page here.

Easy Essential Packing Tips – 1

22/07/2021 12:00
Stephen Lockwood

Before You Move

Make a list of everything and put them into three categories:

  1. Those items that you won’t need immediately but need to take with you.
  2. Those items you will need up until the move.
  3. Those items you won’t be taking with you and can be thrown / given away.

Be systematic and go through each room (it doesn’t matter whether this is a home or office move) but be sure to start a few months before the move. Estimate the time you have to pack the items and the number of boxes you will need. This will enable you to cut down on packing time and maybe the cost of the move.

Make sure you have enough packing supplies such as bubble wrap, tape and newspaper.

In addition, check your contents insurance will cover damage and breakages during the move.


Next week: More Essential Packing Tips

In the meantime you can download our 'Office Relocation Advice and Checklist' or our House Move items from our resources page here.


Office Move Checklist – Part 7

14/07/2021 12:00
Stephen Lockwood

Step Seven – Recap of Do’s and Don’ts


  • Appoint an office move manager
  •  Allow time for the planning process
  • Create detailed floor plan of new office
  • Establish the priorities
  • Outline your budget
  • Stick to a realistic timeline
  • Label everything


  •  Try to move yourself
  • Underestimate your budget
  • Leave everything until the last minute
  • Exclude your staff, customers and suppliers
  • Forget other detail, such as Permanent markers, labels, bubble wrap, storage boxes, packing paper and other items



You can download our 'Office Relocation Advice and Checklist' from our resources page here.

Office Move Checklist – Part 6

07/07/2021 12:00
Stephen Lockwood

Step Six – Settling In

Now you need to get back to business as soon as possible, so it is time to get a few things set up.

  • Ensure that all areas are clearly defined and demarcated for staff to see.
  • Check all computers and tech equipment is set up correctly.
  • Check telephone lines and systems are working.
  • Update the company website with new contact information.
  • Create a new phone list of departments and teams.
  • Distribute the new phone lists.
  • Check the premises, and report any damage to the moving company if needed.
  • Make sure your insurance has been transferred.
  • Ensure that any old leases have been wrapped up.
  • Confirm that any deposits have been received from the old premises.
  • Collect all passes, keycards and keys for the old premises have been sent back.
  • Hand out new passes, keycards etc for the new office.
  • Check all invoices and payments.
  • Issue a press release about your change of address.
  • Set up a planning committee to put together an office-warming party.

Add a special touch by leaving a "welcome pack" on each employee's desk, with their name, job title, a welcome note and some treats to get them through a busy day.

Congratulations, you are in your new premises!

Next week: Step 7 – Recap of Do’s and Don’ts

In the meantime you can download our 'Office Relocation Advice and Checklist' from our resources page here.

Office Move Checklist – Part 5

30/06/2021 12:00
Stephen Lockwood

Step Five – Making the Move

Once moving day arrives, you should be feeling well-prepared. Here are some more ways to ensure everything goes smoothly on the big day.

Keep your emergency number printout close at hand.

Allow a budget for refreshments for the moving team and internal representatives.

If needed, arrange to have air conditioning on during the move.

Ensure that all tech equipment, computers, phones etc. are moved first.

Ensure that representatives are available to make sure all the colour coded items are placed in the right locations, and all desks are in the right places along with their numbered boxes

Book a date for telephone lines and systems to become operational.

Next week: Step 6 – Settling In

In the meantime you can download our 'Office Relocation Advice and Checklist' from our resources page here.

Office Move Checklist - Part 4

23/06/2021 12:00
Stephen Lockwood

Step Four – Other Preparation

It’s time to consider the planning of moving all your office equipment from one space to another.

  • Create a detailed floor plan of your new space.
  • Plan how you are going to lay things out by measuring the new office space, also take photographs of the new office to aid visualization.
  • Create an inventory of existing office furniture.
  • Check what new furniture you might need.
  • Place orders for new furniture and amend stationery where needed.
  • If needed, arrange external storage facilities.
  • Colour code each department and allocate colour coded stickers to each department section on the detailed floor plan.
  • Give each employee a number, and add that corresponding number to their desk and equipment.
  • Name communal spaces on your new floor plan.
  • Sign any official paperwork, permits and licenses.
  • Where required, book parking space and elevators for the moving day.
  • Appoint cleaning services at your old and new offices.
  • Create access codes and update security for the new premises.
  • Send a detailed floor plan to your movers, or arrange a meeting at the new premises, if needed.
  • For your staff, create a detailed moving day plan for them to follow.
  • Draft a list of emergency contact numbers for everyone involved in the move, as well as elevator maintenance and building management.

At this stage your planning team should:

  • Assign a member of each team to oversee their department's packing responsibilities.
  • Approve packing procedures and layout.
  • Draft directions to the new location, including instructions on parking, public transport etc.
  • Put together a "moving pack" for each staff member, including their allocated desk number, colour code, and information about the new location.
  • Label laptops, screens, hard drives, keyboards etc. in a standard way and make sure all staff are informed.
  • Ensure that everyone takes home personal belongings and devices.
  • Decide which representatives will stay at the current location until the last moving truck has left, and who will be going to the new location to supervise.
  • Arrange for each department to empty and pack or seal their filing cabinets etc.
  • Ensure that keys, access codes or tags and security information are all available and those for the old office will be collected.

 Next week: Step 5 – Making the Move

In the meantime you can download our 'Office Relocation Advice and Checklist' from our resources page here.

Office Move Checklist - Part 3

16/06/2021 12:00
Stephen Lockwood

Step three – Identify Costs and Plan Your Budget

An office or business move can be costly not only in monetary terms but also in any downtime, so it is important to identify all possible costs ahead of setting a budget.

To help with researching expenses involved in moving we’ve put together a list of typical moving expenses.

  • Rent
  • Deposits and wear and tear fees
  • Contract break fees
  • Administrative fees
  • Security
  • Removal company fees
  • Storage fees
  • Insurance
  • Pension Scheme
  • Service charges
  • Refurbishment fees
  • Utilities
  • Local Council tax
  • Communication connection fees
  • Postal redirection
  • New furniture
  • New IT equipment
  • Any other specific to your business

 Next week: Step 4 – Other Preparation

In the meantime you can download our 'Office Relocation Advice and Checklist' from our resources page here.

Office Move Checklist - Part 2

09/06/2021 12:00
Stephen Lockwood

Step 2 – Plan Your Office or Business Move

Ideally, 3 to 6 months before an anticipated moving date you should start your first steps.

  • If you have a property lease, review it if you are planning to leave early. This may cost you your deposit. You may also be responsible for any breakages or damage to the space that might occur during the move.
  • Put together a team, who can plan the move, delegate tasks and be responsible for the moving process.
  • Create a schedule with  deadlines for aspects of the move, particularly when new technology and systems must be established.
  • Analyse the new location, particularly its IT facilities.
  • Think about any changes to workstations, IT requirements and fixtures that you may need to make.
  • Anticipate how any existing projects may be affected by the move.

Let internal and external parties know about the upcoming moving date

  • Give official notice to your current landlord and/or property manager.
  • Notify all your team members of the moving date and new office address.
  • Create a master list of people you need to send a change of address to.
  • Make sure that your employee list is up to date.
  • Ensure that your client and service provider list is up to date.
  • Make sure all team members know what their responsibilities will be ahead of time.
  • Appoint your chosen moving company.
  • Brief your IT department on the move and discuss what IT is needed for the day.

Who to send a change of address notice to:

  • Clients and partners;
  • Any professional organisations you belong to;
  • Stationery services;
  • Banks and financial institutions;
  • Any food service companies;
  • Bottled water company;
  • Telephone company;
  • Service companies for photocopiers or printers;
  • Insurance companies;
  • Any accounts departments;
  • Your internet service provider;
  • Any additional services your company makes use of.

An office or business move can be costly not only in monetary terms but also in any downtime, so it is important to identify all possible costs ahead of setting a budget.

Next week: Step 3 - Identify Costs and Plan Your Budget.

In the meantime you can download our 'Office Relocation Advice and Checklist' from our resources page here.

Office Move Checklist - Part 1

02/06/2021 12:00
Stephen Lockwood

Office move guide, Business relocation checklist, Office relocation checklist, Business move advice

With the pandemic starting to ease businesses are either needing to downsize their office or are outgrowing their current office or premises.

When either of these situations occur, you’ll find that you will be confronted with the thing that most people do not like: change! This is the something that both employees and business leaders have trouble with.

We’ve put this guide together to help you in managing your business relocation in seven steps. The steps will be published in weekly instalments, step by step.

Step 1 - Needs to be considered for your business move.

Office relocation can increase staff morale, improve productivity and open the business to a new pool of talent. It may also come about because you are allowing certain staff to work from home. There can be many reasons for moving office location and some of the reasons can be:

  • Business change   

    As your business changes it’s important to plan expansion or contraction in terms of the physical environment. Relocation can help you redesign your office and/ or warehouse design to suit your practical circumstances and company ethos.

  • Attracting clients 

    In some circumstances your office acts as a ‘shop window’ so it needs to assist your brand. The space you choose for your business can also have a lasting effect on those who work for you. Clients can sense how happy your staff are whether communicating on the telephone or in other ways.

  • Improving productivity 

    Your staff’s wellbeing is important in terms of both morale and productivity. You, therefore, need to consider health and wellness as well as work/life balance in choosing a new business location. Is there a gym nearby? Are there green spaces nearby? Is there somewhere for staff to purchase snacks or lunch?

     Relocating a business to a more modern environment can improve connectivity and improve your staff’s engagement and motivation.

  • Attracting suitable employees 

    The new office move could also potentially help you attract a better pool of employees. If the office is difficult to get to, in an undesirable area or a rural location, it may be more difficult to attract the right talent. The location should be chosen to attract the next generation of your workforce and help you attract the right people to play in part of your future.

Next week: Step 2 - Plan Your Office or Business Move.

In the meantime you can download our 'Office Relocation Advice and Checklist' from our resources page here.

How Not to Pick a Removal Company

26/05/2021 12:00
Stephen Lockwood

House move, Professional Removal Companies, Moving house, Removal company

You've posted an ad on Facebook asking for the best price to move a 3 bed-house to a 2-bed house 3 miles away.

House removal companies give their prices on your post so you pick the first removal company you see. They've quoted a price of £750, fully insured, including a free pack of 20 packing boxes. You think that's expensive and check back on your post to check other prices.

You then notice a random guy, called Barry, has commented saying he will do it for £300. You think that's fantastic and book Barry to arrive on your move date.

8.00am on moving day and you’re already dreading the huge task ahead of you but that's the least of your concerns. Barry has just arrived in a Citroen Berlingo with his 79 year old grandad! Once you have picked up your jaw from the front doorstep you ask Barry if he and his grandad can move a full 3 bed-house. He vaguely replies, "we’ll give it a go".  

9.30am and Barry has filled his van with the grand total of 5 boxes and is heading to your new address with load 1 of 30.

Lunchtime, Barry has completed 4 trips and, woo-hoo, the dining room is now clear .... only 5 rooms to go!

The buyers of your property are anxiously waiting outside as they are already fully loaded with their professional removal company. Meanwhile, Barry is demanding more money now as grandad is tired and Barry is usually in the pub by 2.30 and is getting flustered.  

It's now 10.30pm, while Barry is wedging your sofa on to his roof-rack, you finally hand over the keys to your property to the now disgruntled buyer. You arrive at your new property to find Barry has put all your items, including the fridge, in your lounge.

But don't worry its bedtime ... once you've built your bed! 

You use professional people to sell your house so why wouldn't you use a professional removal company to move your house?

The moral of the story is:

You can find a house move checklist and requirements and inventory form on our resources page here.

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